Microsoft Word Navigation Keyboard ShortcutsThere are 2 methods to move around a document in Microsoft Word:

  • the mouse
  • the keyboard

The insertion point indicates the location where Microsoft Word will insert new text, or paste items.

Using the keyboard to move around Word (i.e. move the insertion point) saves time. Using the mouse increases the time it takes to complete activities in Microsoft Word.

The chart below summarizes some Keyboard Shortcuts to Move around Microsoft Word. Print out this chart and keep it by your computer. I guarantee that you will save time. I certainly have.

Keyboard Shortcuts for Navigation
Press Moves to…
Ctrl + Home Beginning of the document
Ctrl + End End of the document
Home Beginning of the line
End End of the line
(up arrow) Up one line at at time
(down arrow) Down one line at at time
(left arrow) Left one character at at time
(right arrow) Right one character at at time
Ctrl + (left arrow) One word to the left at a time
Ctrl + (right arrow) One word to the right at a time
Ctrl + (up arrow) Previous paragraphs
Ctrl + (down arrow) Next paragraphs
Page Up Previous screen
Page Down Next Screen

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